Në muajin Dhjetor 2023, Rrjeti Save Food Albania, i drejtuar nga Feeding Albania, zhvilloi një takim formal me disa prej anëtarëve të tij në kuadrin e përpjekjeve për të rritur sasinë e dhurimeve të ushqimeve nga bizneset dhuruese. Ky takim solli në vëmendje të pjesëmarrësve edhe të disa prej projekteve aktive të organizatës të cilët […]
Happy World Food Day!
Feeding Albania selected among 38 finalists out of 900 global applicants
Dear friends and followers of our webpage. We are honoured and delighted that our Project Proposal related to our chicken project has made it in the list of 38 semi-finalists in the Seeding the Future Global Food System Challenge, of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and the Seeding the Future Foundation. Over 900 proposals […]
Featured as Food Waste Hero on the ZeroW Project
We would like to thank the ZeroW Project for having our director interviewed and honoured as a Food Waste Hero. We will continue our fight towards a healthier and more resilient food system in Albania that includes food waste and loss management. ZeroW-Hero Oltion Shena (Feeding Albania): Food banks are one way to fight poverty […]
Video Person Needed
At Feeding Albania, we believe that people should not live in hunger. But unfortunately, such is the reality for many Albanian families. We are looking for one young person who is willing to help us with VIDEO taking and editing. This person will help us share our message and encourage people to live more independently […]
Fall Update
Hello friends of the Feeding Albania community. What would it take to provide safe, nutritious and bountiful food for all Albanians? Can this be done by not damaging, but by restoring the climate and respecting the environment at the same time? Our community is on a quest to find out how we can do […]